
Xavier Verhoest


Born in Congo, and raised in Belgium, Xavier Verhoest lives Kenya. In 2006, he co-founded Art2be in Nairobi, an organization that teams up with artists, psychologist, counselors and researchers.

Art2Be uses artistic methods to design and deliver projects that aim to contribute to the development of an environment where respect, co-existence and care can prevail and to strengthen participants and community’s appreciation of their diversity and the commonalities between people.


Selection of projects

“I have my rights”, Child’s rights in 7 governmental schools, Nakuru, Kenya with schools students and teachers with CISP, 2016-17
Training for teachers, parents and children to fully engage in sensitive issues and child’s rights. From UNICEF guideline, Art2Be and CISP developed creative tools that help children to engage and understand their rights.
Outcomes: Guideline, Child’s club activities, well-being, community activities

“Art for Social Changes and Positive Living” On Inclusion in Mogadishu, Galkayo and Kismayo
with CISP, UNFPA, UN Habitat, 2016-2020
Targeting youth, women, IDP’s and minority clans, we build social cohesion and deepen public dialogue around issues of inclusion/exclusion.
Outcomes: civic engagement, well-being, public art, photos, messages, artworks, audio, films, conferences, exhibitions, books

“Breaking the Silence“, Young victims of GBV + ToT for Health Professionals in Kenya and Zimbabwe
with GIZ and MSF, 2009-16
With 50 GBV Health professionals in the 3 main SGBV referral hospital in Nairobi, Eldoret and Harare.
Outcomes: Guideline, Development of Debriefing tool for Professionals working with survivors of Gender Based Violence, well-being, Art work for communication, Training of Trainers

“Who I Am, Who We Are” On Sharing Identity in Kenya with the Kuona Trust, the National Museum of Kenya, Swiss Development Cooperation, Heinrich Boell Foundation and GIZ, 2013-2016
With 12,000 people across 6 districts. Using creative participatory tool to approach Kenyan identity and improve cohesion.
Outcomes: alternative dialogue that expands civic participation and the role of every community. Creation of plate-form that engage people in the building of common values. Artworks, stories, book, blog, Public art, films, audio recording, conference, well-being.

“Our Bodies, Our Stories” On living with HIV in Kenya with the GIZ Health Component Kenya, 2006-2011
Family Art Project with 5,000 people In Nairobi to improve intergenerational dialogue in families affected/infected with HIV. Art2be developed non-threatening method that helps families to create intergenerational dialogue on various topics and break the silence around HIV.
Outcomes: Increased number of volunteers to go for HIV counselling and testing in Nairobi
Artworks, stories, book, exhibition, film, public art, community days.


Selection of Links to films, blogs

Mogadishu 2018 ‘Dabka’

Mogadishu 2020 ‘Where We Belong’

Who I Am, Who We Are Kenyan Asian DP 2014

Who I Am Who We Are Web